September 30, 2010

Yarn Up-date




September 23, 2010

What's up next to hit the shop...

Here are 2 more skeins I almost forgot about~

Shades of Pink thick & thin. Turquoise & Gray/indigo dark & light shades. Autumn Leaves is a wonderful blend of Pumpkin, Orange, Green, Golden Yellow. The 4th from the left is shades of Pink, Old Gold & Olive Green ( I have 2 skeins of this). Next is a Black Merino spun thick & thin & lastly is a really fun wrapped art yarn in Shades of Yellow with a multi colored thread wrap. If you would like to reserve something, just contact me~

September 21, 2010

Today I've been working on special orders so I've got no new yarns to post. However, these are 2 new yarns that my son recently spun (I'm not even sure if he put them in his shop yet) & I absolutely love how they turned out. You can check out his shop at: http://www.deepseafibers.etsy.com/

September 17, 2010


These new yarns will be going into the store later on today or tomorrow. If you see any you'd like me to reserve for you, feel free to contact me~

September 15, 2010

What's New today...

Here is what's out to dry today! These should be going into the shop later in the week. If you see something you like, contact me & I'll be happy to reserve it for you.

September 9, 2010

September already??

Wow....It's September already????
Ok so it's reallllly been awhile since I gave an up-date as to what the latest yarns are. I've been spinning a lot of thick and thins with multiple colors lately, *That's always a fun spin* as well as Marshmallow yarns.

Yesterday I pulled out a wool blend that I've had for some time now & decided to spin some thinner yarns. I just love these thinner wool yarns. They are "Slightly" thick & thin and their texture is wonderful!! I love how they show off a sight bit of crimp when then hang.

These yarns are also fabulous for felting projects. This is the yarn I use for my felting projects. Not super soft like Merino, but so much fun to knit with. Here's a peek at a few...